Friday, 1 February 2013


Now there's a headline to make you spit the cornflakes out! But who will publish it? Nobody here in Blighty that's for sure. Nobody has the balls, or the authority, to print something that might inflame the sensitivities of our indigenous ragheads. That's the good thing about the Internet, you can say what you like and nobody gives a toss - or do they? As i do'nt allow comments i suppose i'll never know......

This sort of headline should really come from a paper that is more locally concerned with the current fundamentalist issues like the................

Above - popular Right-wing regional newpaper and below, its' charismatic editor
             Tim Buck-Tooth......
                                          I have been very quiet with regard to postings over the last few months i.e NONE. There have been issues with Blogger to do with formatting and the hassle of moving pictures about and as i spend a fair bit of time 'Photoshopping' it's a bit peeving when you can't place the fucking pictures where you fucking want them!
I have half a dozen posts 'in prep' but they're off the boil, not that it really makes much difference when they are posted but i tend to run out of steam and move onto something else (to not finish) unless it is finished in a few days or a week at post. a 'Bloggers' block so to speak.

I had a seasonal Xmas post which was relatively good-natured which i shall finish off if i can be bothered. We shall see.

The other thing that i am going to post is write-ups of my foreign bird-watching trips. I make a lot of use of other peoples trip reports when planning mine and i do not get around to adding them on the various bird forums that i use so i am going to post them here on the blog and hopefully somebody will make use of the information and even non-birders might find them of interest. There will still be rants included so fear not!

Locations will include - Morocco (7 visits), Istanbul and the Bosphorus, Northern Portugal (The Douro Valley), Andalucia (Malaga and Torrox), Seville/Tarifa/Gibraltar these trips are over the last 4 years and it's high time i put pen and pictures to paper. Upcoming trips are planned for Israel, Georgia and Lisbon/Extramadura this May.

I am not keen on extremists of any sort, particularly religious nutters whichever 'God' they follow, they're like obsessives there interests cloud their judgement.


It can't just be me, anybody with a modicum of common sense and who reads the papers or preferably the Internet and listens to the radio cannot fail to have noticed the following......

Which religion appears, almost on a daily basis, in headlines in any media that you wish to follow?
                                Quran - 2:191-193 Fight and kill unbelievers until      
                             “religion is God’s,” i.e. Islamic law rules all societies: 

                               “And slay them wherever you come 
                         upon them, and expel them from where they expelled you;
                         persecution is more grievous than slaying. But fight them 
                         not by the Holy Mosque until they should fight you there; 
                         then, if they fight you, slay them -- such is the recompense 
                         of unbelievers, but if they give over, surely God is All-                                                    forgiving, All-compassionate. Fight them, till there is no
                         persecution and the religion is God’s; then if they give over,      
                         there shall be no enmity save for evildoers.”

Which religion is constantly belligerant and demanding?


                         Quran - 3:28 Don’t take unbelievers as friends and allies,
                         unless it is for “fear of them,” i.e. deceptively for protection
                         of oneself or of Islam:

                         “Let not the believers take the unbelievers for friends, rather

                         than the believers -- for whoso does that belongs not to God 
                          in anything -- unless you have a fear of them. God warns 
                          you that You beware of Him, and unto God is the homecoming.”

Which religion, particularly when it is in the minority, insists on pushing its' doctrine and dogma down everybodys fucking throats?

                         Quran - 3:151 “We will cast into the hearts of the unbelievers
                         terror, for that they have associated with God that for which
                         He sent down never authority; their lodging shall be the Fire;
                         evil is the lodging of the evildoers.”

Which religion brainwashes its children and youth in religious 'schools' and Maddrasses?

                         Quran - 3:181 “God has heard the saying of those who said,
                         ‘Surely God is poor, and we are rich.’ We shall write down
                         what they have said, and their slaying the Prophets without
                         right, and We shall say, ‘Taste the chastisement of the burning.’”

 Which religion (certainly in the UK) tells its' constituency voters who to vote for and when, is responsible for postal vote fiddling and when gets a council majority is able to elect MP's?
                         Quran - 4:89 Kill apostates:

                         “They wish that you should disbelieve as they disbelieve,
                         and then you would be equal; therefore take not to yourselves
                         friends of them, until they emigrate in the way of God; then,
                         if they turn their backs, take them, and slay them wherever
                         you find them; take not to yourselves any one of them as
                         friend or helper.”

 Which religion, composed mainly of mainly Pakistani Males, are responsible for the grooming, drugging and systemic raping of young White girls - a percentage of which are under-age and non-consensual?
                         Quran - 5:17 Christians -- believers in divinity of Christ 
                                             – are unbelievers:

                         “They are unbelievers who say, ‘God is the Messiah, 

                         Mary’s son.’ Say: ‘Who then shall overrule God in any 
                         way if He desires to destroy the Messiah, Mary’s son, and 
                         his mother, and all those who are on earth?’ For to God 
                         belongs the kingdom of the heavens and of the earth, and
                         all that is between them, creating what He will. God is 
                         powerful over everything.”

Which religion still allow the stoning of so-called adulterers i.e females leaving an abusive relationship?

                         Quran - 5:51 Don’t take Jews and Christians as friends 
                                             and allies:

                         “O believers, take not Jews and Christians as friends; they

                         are friends of each other. Whoso of you makes them his
                         friends is one of them. God guides not the people of the evildoers.”

Which religion still hangs young men for admitting to being homosexuals?

                         Quran - 5:72 Christians are unbelievers:

                          “They are unbelievers who say, ‘God is the Messiah, 

                          Mary’s son.’ For the Messiah said, ‘Children of Israel, 
                          serve God, my Lord and your Lord. Verily whoso associates
                          with God anything, God shall prohibit him entrance to 
                          Paradise, and his refuge shall be the Fire; and wrongdoers 
                          shall have no helpers.’”

Which religion routinely condones the genital mutilation of pre-pubescent girls?    
                         Quran - 8:12 God will terrorize unbelievers; Muslims should
                                             behead them:

                         “When thy Lord was revealing to the angels, ‘I am with you;

                         so confirm the believers. I shall cast into the unbelievers’ 
                         hearts terror; so smite above the necks, and smite every finger
                         of them!’”

There are NO official Christian churches in Saudi Arabia, ALL citizens are considered Muslims - not a Muslim then not a citizen and no 'citizens' rights. There are an, estimated, several hundred thousand Christians in the Kingdom and an estimated one million Roman Catholics (mainly foreign workers). What have they in common? No 'official' place of worship whilst we 'Kuffars' in the 'Infidel' West bend over fucking backwards to provide a place of worship if there is one Muslim employee! Actually we don't have to but how long before some wingeing employee claims that his or her human rights are being infringed?

                         Quran - 8:39 Fight unbelievers until Islam reigns supreme:

                         “Fight them, till there is no persecution and the religion is

                         God’s entirely; then if they give over, surely God sees the
                         things they   do.”

Many other countries grab the 'Muslim Terrorist Atrocity' headlines and bragging rights but quietly, ticking away in the background, is...............The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

                         Quran - 8:60 Make war against enemies of God:

                         “Make ready for them whatever force and strings of horses

                         you can, to terrify thereby the enemy of God and your enemy,
                         and others besides them that you know not; God knows them.
                        And whatsoever you expend in the way of God shall be repaid
                        you in full; you will not be wronged.”

KSA is the powerhouse and pivotal point of the ultra-conservative and extremely othodox branch of Sunni Muslims namely - WAHHABI-ism. Despite the modern trappings and so-called 'development' ranging from designer goods, decadent Western food, a fixation with racehorses and the aquisition of F15 fighter jets this doctrine is bad news.....for us. Wahhabi's wish their followers to 'get back to basics' like some sort of fitness video. The 'basics' here mean right back to guessed it.........the 7th Century and all that that entails.

                         Quran - 9:5 Slay the idolaters:

                         “Then, when the sacred months are drawn away, slay the

                         idolaters wherever you find them, and take them, and confine
                         them, and lie in wait for them at every place of ambush. But
                         if they repent, and perform the prayer, and pay the alms, 
                         then let them go their way; God is All-forgiving, 

This incorporates all of the above from 'indoctrination' of children (get 'em young), 'stoning' of adulterers (they're always female) excecution in the case of Saudi Royals - do'nt miss 'Death of a Princess', multiple wives (still only a single orgasm at a time, get that Arab Strap out of the cupboard!), marriage before 14 (again, get 'em young) and much much more.

                         Quran - 9:28 Idolaters unclean:

                         “O believers, the idolaters are indeed unclean; so let them

                         not come near the Holy Mosque after this year of theirs.
                         If you fear poverty, God shall surely enrich you of His bounty,
                         if He will; God is All-knowing; All-wise.”

We, in the West, (don't include me in that, i would'nt give the fuckers a steam off a turd) bend over backwards to fawn and prostrate ourselves with the House of Saud a worse bunch of murdering bastards that would put the Mafia to shame. We toady to them because of their OIL, nothing else. Without OIL they would be minor players in a large sand-pit, their influence only in a very local and regional context much as they were before OIL was commercially developed after the First World War. By us of course.

                                             RUSSIAN FEDERATION
                         Quran - 9:29 Fight and subjugate the Jews and Christians:

                         “Fight those who believe not in God and the Last Day 

                         and do not forbid what God and His Messenger have 
                         forbidden -- such men as practise not the religion of truth,
                         being of those who have been given the Book -- until they 
                         pay the tribute out of hand and have been humbled.”

Saudi Arabia is behind the funding and building of an 'unofficial' Mosqe-building program in the 'West'. This is done under the guise of local 'fund-raising', it's a lie. Funds are being 'third-partied' and allocated to 'Imams' and the local 'Committee' - all males and all with beards if you accidentally went into the wrong room (highly unlikely) you would think that you had entered a local branch meeting of CAMRA.

                         Quran - 9:73 Be harsh with unbelievers:

                         “O Prophet, struggle with the unbelievers and hypocrites,

                          and be thou harsh with them; their refuge is Gehenna -- 
                          an evil homecoming!”

Iran is perceived as the regional 'bad boy' and it's true, they are certainly funding and fomenting terrorist 'activities' within the region but KSA are the big players.......

                         Quran - 9:111 Paradise guaranteed to those who kill and
                                              are killed for Allah:

                         “God has bought from the believers their selves and their

                         possessions against the gift of Paradise; they fight in the way
                        of God; they kill, and are killed; that is a promise binding 
                        upon God in the Torah, and the Gospel, and the Koran; 
                        and who fulfils his covenant truer than God? So rejoice in 
                        the bargain you have made with Him; that is the mighty triumph.”

Every time you fill up your car, if the OIL is from Saudi you have purchased another wheelbarrow full of bricks for a Mosque somewhere in Europe quite possibly somewhere near you if 'you' live in Luton or Leicester or Finsbury Park or Alum Rock you've only yourselves to blame.

                         Quran - 9:123 Fight the unbelievers, be harsh with them:

                         “O believers, fight the unbelievers who are near to you; 

                         and let them find in you a harshness; and know that God
                         is with the godfearing.”

Saudi Arabia has so much money it beggars belief, it has the second largest known OIL deposits and the sixth largest known deposits of GAS. OIL accounts for 95% of exports and 70% of government revenue. It is therefore much easier to control a country and rule, with the help of the military and their paramilitary associates, secret Police etc when you have, basically, a single economy. Most of the Worlds' dictator/Military regimes are single economies, usually OIL.

                         Quran - 47:4 Behead and slaughter the unbelievers; take
                                            others captive:

                         “When you meet the unbelievers, smite their necks, then,

                         when you have made wide slaughter among them, tie fast 
                         the bonds; then set them free, either by grace or ransom, 
                         till the war lays down its loads. So it shall be; and if God 
                         had willed, He would have avenged Himself upon them; but 
                         that He may try some of you by means of others. And those 
                         who are slain in the way of God, He will not send their works

Saudi Arabia is the only country in the World where women are NOT allowed to drive.

                         Quran - 48:29 Be merciful to believers, not unbelievers:

                          "Muhammad is the Messenger of God, and those who

                          are with him are hard against the unbelievers, merciful
                          one to another."

Saudi Arabia is an absolute monarchy but although, according to the Basic Law of Saudi Arabia adopted by royal decree in 1992, the king must comply with Sharia (that is, Islamic law) and the Quran. The Quran and the Sunnah (the traditions of Muhammad) are declared to be the country's constitution, but no written modern constitution has ever been written for Saudi Arabia, and Saudi Arabia remains the only Arab nation where no national elections have ever taken place, since its creation. No political parties or national elections are permitted and according to The Economists' 2010 Democracy Index the Saudi government is the seventh most authoritarian regime from among the 167 countries rated.

                                                 SAUDI ARABIA
                         Quran - 98:6 Unbelievers are the worst of creatures:

                         “The unbelievers of the People of the Book and the idolaters

                         shall be in the Fire of Gehenna, therein dwelling forever;
                          those are the worst of creatures.”

But it's not all OIL and F15's KSA does have it's own internal problems. Their own Sunni dissidents, disenchanted and unemployed citizens, disenfranchised indigenous 'citizens' who have no hope of employment and tribal factions deep in the deserts. Opposition, no matter how peaceful is simply NOT tolerated.


The physical punishments imposed by Saudi courts, such as beheading, stoning, amputation and lashing, (NO, don't try visiting and going on the lash, it's not the same thing) and the number of executions have been strongly criticized. The death penalty can be imposed for a wide range of offences including murder, rape, armed-robbery, repeated drug use, apostacy, adultery, whichcraft and sorcery and can be carried out by beheading with a sword, stoning or firing squad, followed by crucifixion. The 345 reported executions between 2007 and 2010 were all carried out by public beheading. The last reported execution for sorcery took place in June 2012 and three recent convictions for witchcraft did not result in execution.


 Although repeated theft can be punishable by amputation of the right hand, only one instance of judicial amputation was reported between 2007 and 2010. Gay rights are not recognised. Homosexual acts are punishable by flogging or death. Lashings are a common form of punishment and are often imposed for offences against religion and public morality such as drinking alcohol and neglect of prayer and fasting obligations.


'Apostates' and 'Kuffaars' - Special 'treatment' is reserved for Apostates, these are former followers of the Muslim 'faith' who have turned away and/or renounced the word we can't use. The Koran urges the killing of all these. Kuffaars/Kafir are all the others that are non-Muzzie. The term is of agricultural origin for the 'covering' of seed by farmers by soil. It is perceived as somebody who hides or covers the 'truth' and refuses to acknowledge the Koran. The 'infidels' or 'unbelievers' need to be educated and if not will be dealt with accordindly under  Sharia law in a 'Caliphate'.


A 'Caliphate' is a Islamic state led by a supreme religious as well as political leader known as a caliph (meaning literally a successor, i.e. a successor to the prophet Mohammed). The original Caliphate expanded during the 7th and 8th Centuries, after the Prophets death. Spreading Westwards into North Africa and Eastwards into Persia and the surrounding 'Stans' and into the Indus Valley to moden day Pakistan. Indeed, its' power and influence extended over 3 continents and into the Sahara although local power was levied by appointed Emirs and Sultans.

                                              LONDON 7/7

Further infighting and expansionism took place with the further establishment of a sub-Caliphate in the Mahgreb (Morocco) and Spain (Cordoba) and this was the boundaries of the Caliphate until the rise of the Ottomans with further expansion culminating in the siege of Malta and the occupation of Gozo and finally being defeated, literally, at the Gates of Vienna.

The Ottomans were force to retreat, heading East back to Istanbul but not before establishing a 'buffer' state in modern-day Kosovo, giving them their own land back and promising them the 'protection' of 'The Empire'. Consequently we now have a 'White', Muslim country in the EU namely Kosovo. Nice one, at least it gives us another export market for prayer mats maybe we could put a small IED in each one and Prophets really would 'go through the roof'.

There are calls, by many Muslims, of the 're-establishment' of the Caliphate even thought the original geographical spread now encompasses many sovereign countries that have 'gone their own way' so to speak. It calls for a 'unification' of ideals and aims. Some of these disparate voices call for a 'Super-Caliphate', that is - all the countries that are NOT Muslim but have substantial Muslim populations within them (which covers virtually every European country) to declare Sharia law in directly flouting the laws of the country that took them in and snubbing the indigenous citizens.

Make no mistake, the piecemeal appeasement of minority Muslim demands whether at Government level via 'elected' Muslim MP's, 'Peer pressure' through the token Muslims in the Upper House namely Lord Ahmed and Baroness Warsi. They are, first and foremost, Muslims - everything else is secondary. Lord 'Naz' Ahmed (first Muslim peer 1998) acknowledges the 'Muslim Parliament' and the fact that covert 'Sharia Law' is already operating on British shores. He also no stranger to controversy.

                         Above- Ahmed outside his 'club' and where he should be.

On 25th December 2007 (the date means fuck-all to him, he's a Muslim) whilst driving his Jaguar X-Type he collided with a car on the M1. He admitted to texting, whilst driving, 5 times before the incident the last text only 2 minutes prior to the collision. The driver of the other vehicle, Martin Gombar, was killed whilst Ahmed, his wife and his mother suffered minor injuries. He received a 12-week custodial sentence with a 'reccomendation' that he serve 'no less than 6 weeks' - IT'S 'ARD OOP NORTH.

He served a derisory 16 days and was disqualified from driving for a year although i have no doubt that there would be no shortage of unemployed taxi-drivers in his constituency of ROTHERHAM, yes the same rape-capital of the North that would be more than willing to cart his fat arse about. I wonder if the tribunal noted that Mr Gombar was hit by an 'Ahmed Car' either way we'll never know.

He was an opponent of the war in Iraq and is still opposed to military involvement in Afghanistan. He opposed the Knighthood of Salman Rushdie. He, almost single-handedly, managed to stop the visit by 'Elected', yes elected not 'appointed', Dutch MP Geert Wilders. His film about the Koran was shown but Wilders, himself, was'nt. Ahmed was quoted as saying that he would organise 10,000 Muslim supporters to lay siege to Parliament if Wilders was allowed in the country - our country, our democracy and an elected European MP. Then Home Secretary Jacquie Smith capitulated and 'appeased' Ahmed when she should have been spending some time with her husband so that he would'nt need to buy porn videos which he then claimed on her expenses! Ahmed also managed to find time to take up the cause of a British teacher, working in Nigeria who had been jailed for introducing her pupils to a Teddy Bear called.......wait for it........Mohammed! How did she know it was a male? She should have made it a female by getting a pair of scissors and cutting it's vagina out. rolling it in glue and then hair and then putting a home-made Burka on it and nobody would have been any the wiser.

Above - Rushdie, Wilders and 'lil Mohammed plus death by dangerous driving, is there no end to the mans' talents?

Above - Fitna and below the link to the movie. 'Fitna' is an Arabic word with connotations of secession, upheaval and chaos. Used as an adjective which refers to 'causing problems between people' or attempting to create a chaotic situation that tests one's faith. 

If you are concerned with what might happen locally to you then i urge you to watch, it's not pretty but it is how the Sharia- mongerers, Neo-Caliphatists and Keyboard-Warlords would have you living in the SuperCaliphate...........

Baroness Warsi is a different kettle of fish. She is a Muslim women for starters, created a Life (yes Life, the only time in this country where life actually means life) Peer in 2007. She was supported locally by Ahmed, against his own consituents preferred represtative, she is after all the daughter of a close family friend. She is also totally unelected and serves in Camerons cabinet as a 'Minister Without Portfolio' - well i suppose somebody has to make the tea. 

Above - Baroness Warsi, cute, acceptable and divorced, try getting divorced back in Pakistan and see how far you get. The above is not a before an after having fallen asleep in a local tanning salon. The woman on the right, having tried to leave a relationship somewhere in deepest Pakistan, received the attention of some male relatives of her husband and was the recipent of some unwanted Sulphuric Acid. Or as they say in Rotherham 'So nobody else will 'ave yer'.

                                          BESLAN MASSACRE

When it comes to the perceived threats it's a case of THINK GLOBAL-ACT LOCAL.

The above images of the effects of Islamic fundamentalist are truly shocking but the only reason why more of the same does not happen on these shores is the vigilance of the security services. 'They' would love to score a 'spectacular' in the heart of London again or anywhere else for that matter.

The enemy lies within.

You need to look no further than the Asian communities in Britain to find a festering resentment of all things Western. These people could never live back in Pakistan, Mirpoor to be precise for most of them. They are disenchanted and lack direction - Wanting, on the one hand the 'benefits' of living in a modern society and the trappings that are associated with it but craving the frisson of Jihad and the excitement of 15 minutes of fame.

Below - 7/7 London Bombers 'Home-Grown' talent..........

                         Below - 7/7 'Plotters'.........

    Below - 21/7 'Wannabees', currently 'appealing'. I do'nt see anything appealing........
 There are a number of subtle but pervasive ways that this takes place. The pretence of 'visiting' relatives in Pakistan as an excuse to receive indoctrination and training in camps and Madrasses. Encouragement by 'Firebrand' self-appointed Imams, AKA Hate-Preachers in Mosques and 'safe houses' up and down the country. Accessing extremist websites that host videos and images and that call for the overthrow of the West and the establishment of the Super-Caliphate.


Anjem 'call me Andy' Choudary.

 Above - retrospective 'Now and Then' - like to pop a cork did Andy during his student days, now it's strictly 'Imam piss'.

 Choudary’s recruits are told that it is their Muslim duty to claim benefits, ensuring that they make no contribution to the ‘enemy’ British state.
Choudary leads by example. Now separated from his wife and three children, for years he has received more than £1,700 a month in benefits from the British taxpayer.
He never, knowingly, let's a Jihad days work get in the way of scrounging off the people he despises in the country he hates.

Abu 'call me Trev' Izzadeen (AKA Trevor Brookes).

This man has never been seen to smile.

Above, left - Omar Bakri and, right, Brian Blessed. Brian gets shouted at and assaulted quite a lot and does not know the reason why?

Above - Abu 'Hooky' Hamza - Banned from 'preaching' inside the Terrorist Indoctrination Facility that is the Finsbury Park Mosque, Now, thank fuck, having been deported to the United States (Oct 2012) to fact charges related to............terrorism! The US government that he will receive no ill-treatment in custody, of course THAT never happens in prison does it?

Hamza is currently awaiting the delivery of new prosthetic limbs that are deemed to be suitable for a prison environment.

Below - let's hope he gets fitted with a prosthetic penis..........attached to his 'cell-mate'.

Talking of prosthetic penises! We do'nt just have high profile ethnics to ease us into Sharia we have our very own icons of multi-culturalism. When he was'nt taking us into war in both Iraq and Afghanistan he was appeasing all and sundry in the Islamic world from Muslim parlimentarians to Colonel Gaddaffi, our very own Tony Blair, AKA Tory B. Liar. He was quite willing to cosy up to any high-profile Jiggaboo or Sleb in fact anybody but his own indigenous fucking people. Thanks to him and people like him Polish is now our 2nd language, London is a multi-cultural fucking cess-pit with less than 50% native populace, rural towns in East Anglia now resemble an extension of Eastern Europe and we have a profileration of 'Human Rights' lawyers thanks to his letter-boxed mouth of a wife. he now spends his time trying 'to sort out the Middle East' having converted to Catholicism AFTER leaving office. Somewhere in Poland there is a statue of him or is that just an urban myth?

Just when you had got used to Tony Blair being two-faced......The many faces of the future 'President of Europe'. Appealing or appeasing?

Above - Sikh-heating, Synagogue-sucking, Mullah-matey, which one do you prefer?

One thing is for sure, every time the cunt comes back here he needs a bullet-proof vehicle to ferry his war-mongering, money-grabbing, lying thru his soon to be knocked the fuck teeth out......about in.

Above - Tony as a lot of us would like to see him, in a Gitmo Jumpsuit, a jumped-up shit in a jumped-up suit and i see he bought some extra toilet paper.

It's not just 'him' his family have been 'at it' as well. There's his missus who seemed hell bent on introducing 'Cheries Law' with her own Cheria Lawyers'

Above - 'Cheria' (in character) and her crack team of human rights 'advisors'.
Below - Sister, Lauren in both Jihadi and non-Jihadi, nice jugs....

Of course not all look PC-correct and cute in Islamic dress, there is always an exception to the rule and below is an example of someone who is destined not to be an exceptional ruler. The least they could have done was to kidnap him and cut his ears off!
 And for the 'great unwashed' we have our own crop of converts such as this dickhead illustrated below 'declaring' Sharia Law somewhere in East London.

He must have been fitted with a Caliphitic-Cuntverter.

There are those who join the armed forces and have no say as to where they are sent and what they are tasked to do and then there are those that do'nt.

                                             HEROES AND ZERO'S

Above - Soldiers marching in Watford and 'peace activists' in the Islamic Republic of Lutonistan. The individual in the centre, along with the others, were fined and sentenced (suspended but not from a rope unfortunately) and were also cordoned for the own safety.
He was later found to be a baggage-handler at Luton Airport, does'nt exactly instill a lot of 'safety' does it?
                          "Sharia-aaa, you wanna see her..."-apologies to Blondie

Fancy living under Sharia? Well, the Government is 'in talks' with Muslim MP's and 'religious leaders' on just the subject......for Muslims that is, he adds hastily. But to what level? Are hands going to be amputated? Can we all go to the stoning? Or will it just be the condoning of Domestic Violence and the role of women reduced to chattel?

It's not all bad, they love their kidz.....

And as we've established they revere their 'wimmin'.............

Above - Stoned again, 'that'll teach you to look at another man', and that is not Janet Jackson first thing in the morning.

'Special' treatment is not just limited to Muslim women Norway, Denmark and Sweden now have unprecedented levels of rape involving indigenous White women almost all involve immigrant Muslim males.

How long before Gothenburg is 'twinned' with Rotherham et al?

Remember, they live in rows of Terrorist houses......

They're not here just for the weather....

'I visiting relatives, looking at Christian architecture, shopping in Oxfordy Street, liking the Balti's in Berminham, price of burkhas very cheap here'.........Really? 'course not you ruuddy foool, i'm here for benefit and Worky Tax Credits'!!!

And remember.............
Thousands of..............WOMEN.............every year!

Above - Coming soon to a community near you..........NOT.

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The best 'Imam can get'
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