How long has it been?
About 9 years - a lot of water has gone under a bridge of sorts since then.
I stopped posting as it took too long to compose material (seriously) and i moved on to pastures new social-mediawise.....didn't we all. Unfortunately, notwithstanding Elon Musk's windmill-tilting, Silicon Valley Big Tech seems to control the bits that China doesn't. This also means that Blogger will probably not be the open space that it was nearly a decade ago. We shall see.
During my hiatus i achieved nearly 1k followers on Twitter carefully built up over about 5 years only to see my account permanently suspended for basically constructively criticising the Religion of Peace/Paeds. I have fared no better on Faecebook which i took to during the lockdown. It seems that although FB is bad enough with finger-wagging you are also at the mercy of those that run the actual pages be it cycling or birding of which i have had my page membership revoked and no reason given. This also applies to issues more local whether it is Stourbridge Matters or the FB page of my local MP Suzanne Webb. It appears that constructive criticism and holding an elected MP to account is not deemed suitable reading for the great unwashed. Consequently my posts, unless they big her and the Tories up, are removed before they are hardly read. The same with criticism of my local West Midland Bird Club. One critical comment with regard to record submission and bang - membership of the group terminated.
I might be being a tad naive but i have decided to return to Blogger as at least i am in charge of what i post. I might have to watch my P's and Q's in a way i haven't if you look at the posts still viewable but maybe if i stick to vowels i might be ok - time will tell.
Posts will still be ranty but i wish to cover a number of other interests e.g. cycling, electric bikes and Brompton in particular and my passion of birding particularly as we are being deemed suitable to be allowed to travel abroad by our lousy Government here in the UK. I have tons of photos to sift through and lots of political issues to comment on.
That's all for now.....
Laurie -