Monday, 23 August 2010

POPE RATZINGER - Lovely Video - Great Song...............

After a hard days ranting even i need to chill out !

This is a crazy video typically 'Noah and the Whale'

Enjoy - 'Love of an Orchestra' definately one that will not be on the jukebox at ........'The Crawss'

"If you've gotta run, run from hope"

Unless, of course, you're a choir boy with a dodgy priest then it's........

"If you've gotta run, run from The Pope"!

No, it's not the Boy Scouts! A much younger Pope in a different uniform.

Pope Benedict XVI

While his predecessor helped hide Jews in Nazi-occupied Poland. Joseph Ratzinger was growing up in Germany. His strongly Catholic family disapproved of Nazism and the otherwise obedient future Pope did his best to avoid compulsory Hitler Youth meetings. Unlike others on this list he has never denied his entanglement with the Nazis and made a point of praying for forgiveness during a visit to Auschwitz.

Before he got the top job at The Vatican, Joseph Ratzinger spent his time moving noted Priestophiles from one diocese to another to avoid prosecution and to fuck up more kids lives!

Paedophile Resident In Every Small Town....

Below - another former high-profile Nazi.

Kurt Waldheim

As Secretary General of the UN, Waldheim was a much-respected figure on the world stage. But he never admitted to his role as an SA intelligence officer for the Nazis. After four decades of secrecy, the storm broke. Despite the ensuing scandal, Waldheim became President of Austria. Some believe his countrymen were sympathetic to a story that mirrored so many of their own.

Kurt, (centre) in his Junger days 'taking care of business' somewhere in the Balkans....
There's something about a bloke in a uniform....."Now zat iz vot i call a vell-hung partisan"!

Don't forget.........................

"If you've gotta run, run from The Pope........."

"If you've gotta run, run from The Pope............"

"If you've gotta run, run from The Pope!"

"dit-dee, da-da-da-da-da dit-dee, da-da-da-daa"

Mini-Rant, over!

Sunday, 15 August 2010


Well. finally, something had to give..........A man (and a local community) can only take so much!

Is this Etheridges last stand?

Above - commemorative badge hoping he would be fined at least 7K.

Below - Wayne 'in character' before the court case as George C. Custer...

"Etheridge the Lawbreaker" is now a 'wanted' man - this 'hardworking and misunderstood' pillar of the community has had enough and has been pushed beyond the pale.

Wayne has had his 'Bad Day at Black Rock' culminating with a hefty fine for holding the courts and the community 'in contempt'. Yet still he justifies himself as 'just trying to make a living' and railing against his neighbours for being 'unreasonable' and the powers that be waging a 'vendetta' against this 'man of principle'.

Well, that's just bollocks isn't it?

To read the reported articles, below, he portrays himself as some sort of renegade from the Wild West, standing up for the 'common man' against the forces of law and order - always ready for a 'shoot out' with the Sherrif and his deputies!

Below, badge issued to specially deputised local residents!

Well, this time there's gonna be a............hanging.

Below - Wayne as he would like to be seen, as a...........'Wild West Hero'

Wayne, looking mean and pensive outside 'The Crawss', a saloon he runs on the edge of town where a motley collection of horse-wranglers, cowpokes and ladies of the night while away the hours a-drinkin' and a-whorin'. There's also vittles available from 'Redneck Takeways' in the dusty, wagon park outdoors, where you can tie up yor horse and water yor niggras.

Below, is the gospel according to 'The Lawbreaker' and for 'outspoken' read 'thick'!


Oldswinford landlord calls time after £5k court bill

A CONTROVERSIAL pub landlord is calling time on his Oldswinford boozer after being hit with £5,000 court bill.

Wayne Etheridge from The Cross Sports Bar has been ordered to pay costs to Dudley Council after a row over an inflatable tent ended up in front of a judge.

Mr Etheridge says the latest development in a series of bitter rows with the authority is the last order for him in Dudley borough and he is selling up.

He said: “The council had me back in court for contempt, it could have been an unlimited fine or prison sentence.

“The pub is going up for sale, I made my decision when I came out of court, Dudley Council won’t leave me alone.

“The Cross generated a lot of business during the World Cup but now I have worked for nothing, they are out to get me, they made it impossible for me to operate.”

Mr Etheridge, aged 41, says he has been targeted by the council following a dispute over razor wire at The Royal Oak in Amblecote during his time as the pub’s landlord in 2008.

Since he took over The Cross four years ago, Mr Etheridge has been involved in rows with the council over marquees, advertising boards and a sandwich caravan on the pub car park.

He recently hit the headlines after a spat with Stourbridge MP Margot James, who he accused of fuelling a vendetta against him after she wrote to Oldswinford residents urging them to report incidents of anti-social behaviour.

The pair have now buried the hatchet and Ms James has agreed to take part in a charity event organised by Mr Etheridge.

The wrangle over the tent which resulted in the contempt of court ruling was heard in Dudley County Court last week.

The inflatable spider tent, which held 150 people to watch World Cup football, was only allowed to be up an hour before and 45 minutes after England games.

Mr Etheridge argued he needed to put the tent up early to make safety checks prior to opening it to the public and he could not do so within the time allowed by the court.

Despite spending an estimated £10,000 on disputes with Dudley Council the outspoken gaffer is not sorry he challenged the authority.

He said: “It been a battle of principle - I have no regrets. I will move on and the council will be quite happy with the decision I have made.”

A spokesman for Dudley Council, said: "The council provides free and confidential planning advice to businesses however it also has a duty to respond to complaints from members of the public and to uphold planning laws across the borough.

“Businesses are aware that any breaches of the law can result in court action, however the final judgement rests with a court of law."


Below, local 'townsfolk' await the courts' decision....................................


All Cross over Pub

WELL done to Mark Davies and his letter on June 24 to your newspaper.Yes I agree it’s about time the council did something about this Cross Sports Pub in Oldswinford.

It’s a sight for sore eyes.

The landlord is out of control and does as he pleases, regardless of the noise and impact on the community.Come on council, we are fed up with Blackpool on Sea and want plain old Oldswinford back.

Act on this disgrace

I WHOLEHEARTEDLY agree with Mark Davies’ viewpoint about the Cross public house in Hagley Road.

The inflatable balloon certainly is a distraction when you approach the traffic lights from Love Lane, perhaps now England have lost he will take it down, no doubt he will think of something else to attract the drinkers as he seems to do just as he likes.

I also, like Mike Davies think the council should take a look around and do something about the look of the place, it’s a disgrace.


Breaking news.....This Arkansas trailer-park (below) has made a request on Facebook to be 'Sportsbars' 143rd 'friend'!

Add Image

That's just a couple of quotes - Wayne insists that he has had only had a handful of complaints in the 4+ years that he has been there! - Why the fuck should anybody feel the need to complain to him?......... Are people going to just walk in when there are dozens of rowdy cowpokes to be intimidated by?......... The truth is, that a lot of people have complained and they have moaned to somebody that will actually take notice and do something about it, the Local Authority and their elected MP.

Not the perpetrator.

Wayne does'nt actually give a fuck about the locals, that is why he is now in trouble with the Sherrif and has been fined. Why should anybody local give a fuck about him. A fairly simple equation. Treat as you would expect to be treated. A lesson of life that 'The Lawbreaker' still has to learn...........

One resident who has had enough of The Etheridges and isn't afraid to be mentioned is Cleetus the slack-jawed yokel, Skywatcher and part-time Glory Hole down at a rival drinkin' parlour at the other end of town called Heroes, ( there's some right shenanighans and the strangest of noises comin' from down there).

Below - 2 of the regulars at 'Heroes' enjoying a bit of 'Buttcrack Mounting'

Below, Cleetus, local resident and Glory-Hole (part-time).

Cleetus says - "Weez jus' 'bout had enurff of that goddam' peckerhead DuWayne he's nuthin' but freakin' trubble. He shudda set up over in Waco county an' tekken all dose noisy Chaves wid him. His markees un' tentz scare tha sheeit outta tha hawgz and tha keedz an' upset the wimmenfolk such as my wives, sorry, sistaz! as well"

Below, a selection of frightened 'wimmenfolk'.

This is not the first 'showdown' 'Etheridge the Lawbreaker' has had with the Marshals up at 'The Waterfront'

Below, The County Court prepares for Waynes' hearing........

And the arrival of...............................

Rumour has it that a 'Hanging Judge' has been appointed as opposed to............

Above - well hung? Judge for yourself!

At great expense to the weary taxpayers of Dudley MBC a 'special' train was made available to bring the miscreants to justice.

Below - armoured transport.

Acting on 'reliable' information, covert members of the ECU (Etheridge Cleansing Unit) intercepted what was thought to be the train en-route, believing Wayne to be inside, they acted accordingly........

Below, covert ECU operatives, 'Rado, Milo and Arkan'.

Wrong train, once again Virgin had fucked up and 'Etheridge The Lawbreaker' had cheated punishment!

The first time he appeared there it cost............

This time they're gonna take him.................

Despite the moaning about how hard done by he is, blah blah blah, he is going to sell the tenancy - so where else will he go? Who else will give him a tenancy? It would also appear that he has worked for nothing over the World Cup and is skint! 5K is not a lot of money to such an entreprenurial businessman surely? At present 'Sportsbar' has over 140 'friends' (not including that turncoat 'Jones'!). If they cough up just over 30 quid each that will sort the fine out. Better still, if the Stourbridge News/Chronicle/Express and Star make a 'mystery' donation that will ensure that they have plenty of articles to write about in the near future. C'mon, you know if makes sense!

Why is Waynes' faithful bitch, Margot, still chairing a meeting of disgruntled townsfolk in order to appease 'Etheridge the Lawbreaker' when anybody with a moan will have already gone through the proper channels and will not be turning up for a 'bunfight at the OK Corral' with the Etheridges?. Furthermore why is Margot getting involved with a rumoured charity fund-raising event? This will be to further raise the profile of Etheridge the Good Man and will go some way to showing that Margot should have consulted Etheridge beforehand...

Appeasement never works........Remember?

Should he stay or should he go?

Quite frankly, the long-suffering townsfolk of Oldswinford "don't give a damn!"

What a lot of gobshite (and i should know) - For 4 years he has been running his own little fiefdom in Oldswinford Town not giving a toss for anybody else. The Local Authority have had their fill of Waynes' sabre-rattling and gunboat diplomacy. Why should a local MP have to check with a known troublemaker before carrying out her job? She has sent him a letter with regard to the complaints and DMBC have asked residents who are fed up with the situation to keep a log of nuisance incidents - this is the usual protocol, not to inform the perpetrator so than they have the opportunity of altering their ways or justifying their actions.

How many people have spotted numbers of chavvy imbibers pissing up the wall by the jousting tents instead of using the toilets? A friend of mine did and was told to "fuck off and mind her own business".......Just another unreported incident and non complaint......Wayne......

Watch this space, until then 'Etheridge the Lawbreaker' is..........

Meanwhile, back in the 'real' world, as opposed to either mine or Waynes'.

Arkan and the boys, acting on a tip off (from local informant Rachelxx24), were closing in on 'The Etheridges'.

Music, sounding suspiciously like popular White-trash rapper Eminem was heard emineminating from a seedy looking building in the Gigmill area. It could mean only one thing, they might have pinpointed Waynetta! The ECU have a strict code of 'no women and children' but in this case the target was possibly Waynetta and she was playing wannabee Jigaboo rap crap, on all of days......................Arkans birthday!

Retaliation was swift, resistance was futile.

If you like this and dislike 'The Eths' check out 'Waynes World', 'At Home With The Etheridges' and 'The Cross'.

And Remember..........

"You 'aint seen me...........right!"

Wednesday, 11 August 2010

POLICE THUG(S) OF THE MONTH..........................

GOES TO.....................Gwent Police.

Although i am going to try and stay in my remit of the 'Greater Stourbridge' area, with a foray or two into the West Midlands region when appropriate - i will, and want, to make an exception for the Police.

Am i living in a la-la land where the Police used to address you as 'sir' and say please and thank-you? Or am i doing drugs? Gone are the halcyon days where a smile, politeness and a bit of civility cost fuck all.

Note - the motto, but why isn't it in Welsh? Are you reassured?

For the actions of 2 of their brave 'officers' in apprehending and destroying the car of a .................pensioner! Yes, a pensioner, somebody who probably fought to keep this country free of uniformed, power-abusing, bully-boy thugs like..........................them!

'Stinger-Man..................................' 'Thug'
Above - E-fit of the two officers involved in the Police 'road rage'. Whatley 'road-rage' incident.

Below - still images from the, above, footage

Above, left - An officer, literally, 'races' from his vehicle and proceeds to repeatedly hit the drivers side window until it breaks. It must be made of some sort of 'toughened' glass because the ASP baton is made from HSS (High Speed Steel) as are most items designed to break safety glass. The second frame to the right is 'Stinger-Man' rushing to aid 'Thug'.

Bear in mind that the driver of the Range Rover has just been seen by the Police and they are well aware that he is a pensioner - why the fuck do they need to pursue him when his number-plate will reveal all the details, address etc unless it is false! Never mind the totally unnecessary damage to the window and the bonnet, there is the very real danger of injuring the driver. Indeed the twat nearly hits a second 'Stinger-Man' whilst the other one is carrying out the 'GwentFuzz-WarDance' on the bonnet!

Not a week seems to go by without a headline-grabbing plod over-stepping the line and abusing his 'powers of arrest'. This week has been no exception!

After all the Police do 'think' that they employ 'exceptional' people don't they? Well, that depends on your interpretation of the word.

Below is an essence of unfolding events....


Baton cop smashed disabled OAP's car and stamped on windscreen -

Above - Robert Whatley, pensioner and 'menace to society'.

Two police officers were taken off operational duty after a 70-year-old man who drove away when he was stopped for not wearing a seatbelt complained they smashed his car window and kicked his windscreen.

One officer repeatedly hit the driver-side window of Robert Clive Whatley's Range Rover with a baton while another stood on the bonnet.

Above - 'War-Dance' from one very frustated plod.

Stroke victim Robert Whatley, 70, was pulled over in his Range Rover but drove off as officers tried to give him a ticket.

He was reportedly followed for 17 minutes after driving off while Gwent Police officers issued him with a fixed penalty notice.

The court heard he drove away because he thought he had been dealt with and needed his medication for a heart condition and a stroke, the Western Mail reported.

Whatley, who stayed within the speed limit during the pursuit, thought the police car following him was sounding its siren and had its blue lights on because it was escorting him home.

Retired businessman Mr Whatley said: "I couldn't believe what was happening. The police went completely over the top - you would have thought I had robbed a bank.

"I was terrified when they started smashing in the window and trying to kick in the windscreen. I tried to shield myself but I was showered with glass which could easily have gone into my eyes.

"It's something you might expect in America but not in the quiet of the British countryside."

Mr Watley was later charged with several motoring offences and appeared at Caerphilly Magistrates Court.

He admitted not wearing his seatbelt when he was first spotted by police but claimed he had been reversing at the time.

The court heard that as the officer went round to the passenger side the car lurched forward and the officer alleged he was knocked - a claim disputed by Mr Whatley.

"I was displaying my medication needs and the officer was ignoring me.

"My survival instinct was such that I was trying to assist the officer the best I could. I feared another stroke.

"I thought he had finished with me. I just drove off coolly and calmly and not off at speed."

Mr Whatley said he had become confused during the pursuit.

But he finally pulled over when he was confronted by a police "stinger" device on the road into Usk.

Above - Whatley being banged to rights. Looks like he is wearing 'jeans', how many pensioners wear jeans? My Grandad never wore jeans, that's a sign of a hard bastard IMO.

The court heard that as the officer went round to the passenger side the car lurched forward and the officer alleged he was knocked – a claim disputed by Whatley.

Mr Whatley was found guilty of not wearing a seatbelt, failing to stop for a police officer and having tinted car windows that did not conform to legal requirements.

Above - Here's one windscreen that does'nt conform to legal requirements thanks to a twat from the Gwent Police.....

But he was cleared of failing to stop after an accident.

He admitted having a registration plate which did not adhere to regulations and was fined a total of £235 and ordered to pay £300 towards prosecution costs.


It tells you something about Police priorities when they can spend 17 minutes chasing a belligerent pensioner in order to 'give 'im a slap' and 'show 'im 'oos boss' but when it comes to issues of domestic violence from somebody who had been on the Police radar for a while they, not surprisingly, fail miserably...


999 operators let down mother murdered by ex

Joanna Michael was stabbed 22 times by her jealous ex-boyfriend and called the emergency services from her home.

She had to wait 22 minutes for a response and was dead by the time officers arrived at her home in St Mellons, Cardiff, in August last year.

Ms Michael was denied ‘timely help’ because of a ‘fatal combination of technological and human errors,’ the Independent Police Complaints Commission found.

Her first call was misrouted by the mobile phone mast system to Gwent Police which slowed the eventual response from South Wales police.

She was further let down by two call handlers who are now facing disciplinary action.

‘More could and should have been done for Joanna, who was denied the opportunity for a prompt response which may have led to a different outcome,’ said IPCC Commissioner for Wales Tom Davies.


Now, it does'nt take too much brain power to work out that Mr Whatley has incorporated a certain amount of poetic license into his version of events, he is also no stranger to the Police but does the initial reason for stopping him warrant the subsequent behaviour of 2 of Gwent Polices' 'finest' - i think not!

Mr Whatley has given his subjective opinion and his treatment during this event and also the ongoing situation 'as he perceived it' - there is nothing wrong with that, the Police do it all the time. They are no strangers in being economic with the truth.

Take the current recruitment and poster campaign for Gwent Police....

Can't you just feeel the power!

Below, husband and wife team, based in Newport, nice uniform, nice tan, complete with poppy, nice touch, all they need is an armband.

Above, right, nice uniform, nice tan, all he needs is a poppy.

Below - passing out parades, 70 years might seperate these pictures but as far as the mentality is concerned not a lot has changed.

There's even something for the kids.....

Here is my opinion for what it is worth -

Robert Whatley has had issues with the Police before, he is 70 years old, I am.....a bit younger than that! by the time you are my age, let alone his you will have been on the receiving end of Polices' power-abuse, bullying, thugishness etc etc. It also does not take too long to realise that most of them are not employed for their intelligence. After all, the first law of oxymoron is Police Intelligence. Most do not enter the service to be kind and helpful to the taxpaying citizen or solve crime. The benefits of sick-leave, overtime and a fat pension are the big carrots.

The Police fail to impress most, normal, people. They are viewed as a neccersary evil at best but are not trusted to carry out their assigned duties by the general public. Anybody who has been a victim of everyday 'low-level' crime will tell you that.

Robert Whatley appears to have a healthy disrespect for the Police, i am the same. I am not totally ant-Police but whoever i am dealing with has to impress me.

Most do not.

My local Police could spend all day stopping people with over-tinted windscreens and dodgy number plates - but that would mean working when they could be shopping for food so obviously they have to prioritise their time.

Let the brave boys from Gwent do a few shifts in Birmingham chasing people with 'personalised' number plates or tinted windows and watch the body-count pile up. As usual they have chosen a soft target and the over-reaction has been enormous. Why?, because Robert Whatley does'nt give a fuck what he says to the Police and is not impressed by the stab-proof vest etc. The Police do not like people that they cannot impress and intimidate so Robert was pursued and taught a lesson. Let us hope that there will be some sort of retribution for these 'peoples servants'.

It is high time that the Police were reminded that they are the servants and not the masters.

Unfortunately the lure of a uniform and power without restraint especially when the majority of any witnesses to an incident will be your 'mates' and the fact that you can flex that power and intimidate people attracts a certain type of person. The army or the prison service should be the place for these people.

Or a psychiatric institution.

"What d'ya mean i'm too mentally unstable even for the Police?"

Gwent Police know Robert Whatley, they have old scores to settle - in their own inimitable way.

The Police cannot be allowed to act in this manner otherwise they will treat anybody, who has 'form' in the same manner.

The Police are members of a great big club and everybody else are non-members. It is important to remember that when attempting to empathise with them.

Whatever next? The Welsh constabulary are forever in the news for either being overbearing, overpaid, overweight, aggressive, lazy or preoccupied with motorists (don't go to North Wales where there is that deadly combination of GATSO and FATSO, not to be messed with).

All is not lost, people generally and pensioners in particular have had enough of lazy, aggressive coppers with too much testosterone and nobody to share it with.

Below - a 'bent', sorry Gwent copper desperately trying to find somebody to share his 'interests' and testosterone.

But - all is not lost, the fightback has begun..............A shadowy, covert organisation known as the 'Gwent Grey Panthers' (GGP) is rumoured to exist. Made up, in the main, of pensioners who have either fought for this country or undergone national service in order to make the place better for the next generation and this is how they get treated by military wannabees like the Gwent Police! 'The Whatley Incident' was the last straw for a few of them....

Don't confuse them with 'Dads Army, they mean business.

Below - typical GGP 'hit and run' attack on a Police car whilst the driver was in 'The Chippie'

Unfortunately successes like this are few and far between, the GGP are only a small 'Band of Brothers'. The resources of the Police are such that retaliation and punishment to anybody suspected of hiding intelligence and offering succour is usually swift.....Punishment beatings, kneecapping and summary execution have been rumoured, in the past.

Secret footage has been obtained of Gwent Polices' (PRSG) Pensioner Rapid Slap Group on manouvers last Summer in Brecon Beacons National Park practicing for 'OPERATION ZIMMERFRAME'. Operation Zimmerframe.

NOTE - Careful examination of the sononagram (below) provided by a passing shepherd shows the 'high' points on the notes, this can only be reached by male singers of South Welsh extraction and indeed validates the authenticity of the video and sound recording.

This shows how seriously the Authorities are taking the GGP.
Below - Gwent Police Gunship

'Nowhere to run - Nowhere to hide'

Above - Gwent Police 'Cobra' fitted with a PPP (Pensioner Pulverising Pod)

Below - one of a number of charity shops much-used by local pensioners 'shaken down' during a recent 'Search and Destroy' operation in Newport by Gwent Police.

Above - pensioners forced to stand outside the British Legion, Monmouth, in the pouring rain!. Their only 'crime' was attending a signing of Robert Whatleys new book.

Below - Whatleys new bestseller.

Sadly, most, if not all, of Whatleys old 'friends' from the GGP have either been hunted down, moved abroad (to England) or are rumoured to be 'ticking over' working as 'sleepers' as civilian operatives in a number of Police stations in Gwent. They might look a bit doddery and smell of piss and cabbage but they are just biding their time. They do not need to be 'activated' like a robot or 'handled' via a Blackberry like the Jigaboos. Just an 'incident will suffice, an 'incident' like the 'Whatley incident' in November 2009

Sady, coppers treating people of Mr Whatleys age, come to think of anybody of any age actually belong to a bygone age - where the Summers were warmer and there always seemed to be more butterflies about.

Below - a special 'Cloudbusting' cannon designed to make Summers in Gwent cooler and wetter than 'The War'.

Below - Gwent Police mount 'Butterfly Reduction Ops' from May-August in order to make old people even sadder....

This is the sort of thing that Gwent Police had back then...

Above - The 'Choirboys' they 'sang' like Canaries!

The current Gwent Police choir - yes there is a website.
Doing what the Gwent Police do best (no, not catching criminals)......... singing!

Here is how it should be done......... South Wales Police confronted by Afro-Carribean pensioners from Cardiff who have had enough of being stopped under the 'Suss' Law.

Whereas this lot, just passing out, would rather be singing............ Mmmmmm it feels so goooood.

Robert Whatley is not the only high-profile pensioner to have a grudge with the Police here's another one venting his spleen......I for one can't wait for my bus pass and minigun license!

Here's one he made earlier....

Somehow i don't think we've heard the last of Mr Whatley 'he'll be baack...' i'm sure!

Finally a small hole has been reported in Newport town centre - Police are looking into it.

Remember - when driving in Gwent, drive.......Caerphilly,


P.S. - Check older posts if you have the time, particularly if you loathe and detest Wayne Etheridge and The Cross Chav Sanctuary (Another topical rant coming up!)

Bi for now.............................