Thursday, 11 August 2011




Following on from the example set by members of various ethnic communties in defending their neighbourhood, families and property /shops etc. Members of the EDL took the inititiave in Eltham, South East London and worked with several hundred local residents to oversee the safety of their town!

Below, Jason Statham volunteers to help the Police 'coz he looks HARD'.

Below, English Defence League took the initiave and donated a 'Blitzwagen' complete with fully trained operative and water cannon.

A strong message sent out to the government of the 'Big Society' in action - i have no doubt that 'bleeding heart Liberals' and Lefty journalists will decry this as nothing short of White vigilantism. Youths from Eltham itself but a lot from outside the area were making their way in for another night of mayhem and theft................NOT. The Police, eager as ever, to show 'they were in control' did their best to intimidate the unpaid helpers with the aid of snarling Alsatians. Despite the Police presence the evening remained 'incident' free. Buses full of Black youths were stopped and challenged by the Plods and the 'yoof' concerned got the message, most remained on the buses and fucked off elsewhere. There were no burning crosses to be seen and no Blacks were lynched..........or hurt in the making of the various movies on YouTube.

Below, left - Londons' burning and right, a hot hatchback!

This is no different to Sikhs in Southall defending their temple, Asian businessmen in Winson Green defending their interests and Turkish and Kurdish shopkeepers out in force in Wood Green to defend what they have worked fucking hard for following the torching of Tottenham over the weekend.

Below, left, defenders of the faith.

Above, right - Tariq Jahan, father of one of the 3 young asians run over by a car and killed at Winson Green, his stoic dignified presence and call for order and no retribution is a salutory example to many in my opinion.

Do not be misled - the violence and theft and social disorder that has taken place over the last few days in this great country of ours had fuck all to do with the death of a half-caste gangsta from the Broadmoor Estate.

We have been there before, below is Bristol - History, it's just one thing after another!

Above - St Pauls Church 1831 and the City Centre ca1932.

Below - St Pauls, 1981 and the recent 'riots' of 2011.

There were also large-scale disturbances this April when local people, incensed at Tescos' disregard to the effect that one of their 'Saver' stores would have on local business and the local community, which did not want them, decided to take the law into their own hands, Tesco has since changed its' mind about the location of this particular store.

Above - Tesco riots, every little helps, right, local boy Banksys' view.
Now this is what i call looting!

Below, Mark Duggan - Class A drugs dealer and carrier of unlicensed guns.

Above, right - The Broadwater Farm Estate, home to 39 different nationalities, murder site of PC Keith Blakelock, unlicensed Chav farm. Known locally as 'The Farm' and what lives on farms???

Below - Anton Chigurh has a question for the Metropolitan Police.

A large % of these feral idiots posess so-called 'smart phones', smarter than the owner that's for sure but that's not difficult! These require a billing address and some sort of standing order and is usually in the price range of £25-40 per month. Something i cannot afford. A lot of them will be the iconic, must-have, Iphone but a lot will be the less glamourous Blackberry which communicates over an encrypted network, an area normally restricted to the Military. Indeed the Mumbai terrorists that killed so many and virtually destroyed a hotel used them to communicate with their handlers who, in turn, were relaying real-time media coverage over the Blackberry network.

Below, left - The Blackberry, messenger of death and fomenter of destruction?

Above, right - Ross Kemp photographed making a recent documentary about 'The Farm' during a brief lull in the fighting.

Above - Charlie Gilmour photographed, in prison, using a Blackberry, smuggled in by his Mum. It has been rumoured that, despite denials in court, that he was instrumental in formenting the recent dissent by the secure Blackberry Instant Messaging System.........

We have, in this country, a generation of 'yoof' that does not know the normal boundaries of behaviour. The 'respect' that you hear them espouse is merely an extension of the gangsta scenario that they live in. You know the sort of thing, when you see a cluster of them meet up and they all shake hands in a 'fist' clench and all their sentences end in 'maan'. Men they are not. These 'kidz' have spend their lives in an environment of being able to do what they want, when they want. Undisciplined at home and then in an emasculated teaching environment where they have not been allowed to be disciplined. Discipline and a respect for others has to be learnt early otherwise you have lost it. Bullying by this sort of individual is rife and intimidation in the areas in which they live is endemic. The papers are full of incidents involving these gangs making local residents lives a misery.

I am no fan of the Police but it just goes to show you what can happen when you scratch the surface in some areas of this country.....................absolute fucking anarchy. That is why they are needed. Never was the 'Thin Blue Line' stretched thinner than over the last weekend. The first priority of a Government is to protect its' citizens. David Cameron and his rich cronies would do well to remember that. They have been faced with a scenario that they will not forget anytime soon and will not wish to see repeated. I just feel sorry for the half-eaten meal in Tuscany!

Below, left, DCam, full-eton, right, Tuscany, half-eaten.

An estimated £100 million worth of damage by a few thousand kidz with the odd metal pole, some hammers and a zippo lighter. Fuck me, the Germans did'nt do that with hundreds of aircraft and thousands of tons of bombs!!!!!!!!!!

Below, left, the Worlds' largest Halloween lantern!

Above, right - bitches waiting for their pimps to bring them somebody elses property, smile you thieving slags you are on CCTV..........the magistrates courts' await you.
Above - attempted citizens arrest of looting thief with intervention by the Police and a 'dodgy' member of the public.

Below - graffiti on a wall in Croydon.

We have allowed various Governments' to PC-fucking correct every aspect of our lives, can't do this and that in your own home, not allowed to chastise them at school, let off with a useless, non-enforcable ASBO when they start their life of crime. The 'Big Society' starts with people being allowed to run their own lives without the Police, Local Authority or the fucking Council snoops poking their fucking noses where it's not needed. Courts need to make prisons and sentences a deterrent to potential offenders. I know several people who have had community service orders, they are a fucking joke, they spend time painting fucking railings and mowing fucking grass. They need to carry out high-profile tasks where they can be seen by the tax-paying public that they have chosen to sin against. They should be identifiable with high-viz jackets, preferably with a big fuck-off target on their backs.

Below, left - just can't seem to find the right SIM card.

Above, right - i'm afraid they have got it and free of charge! A case of 'must have' for 'fuck all'.

No spouting 'human rights' and taking everything right to the House of Lords, no drinking openly in the fucking park. Shopkeepers caught knowingly supplied under-age kids should be closed down and sent to jail. People on benefit breaking the law in the manner that has happened recently should have their benefts withdrawn.

Below, left - i'm not racist but can you see any swarthy faces in the 'clean-up' crowd?

Above, right - there were reports of Jesus walking through fire, is this the picture?

I would go further with the following proposals that i am going to submit the the Parliamentary website for an E-petition............
  • Pregnant under-age girls, usually White-trash from some sink-estate shit-hole, who are unwilling, or generally unable, to name the Father should undergo legal abortion providing the foetus is not older than 20 weeks.

Above - as if the estate could'nt sink any lower, this ones' sunk!
  • Errant Fathers who are unwilling to financially support and take an active part in the bringing up of the children should be chemically castrated.
  • State support to be limited at 2 children, after that you get fuck all.

Above - St Pauls Cathedral, at the height of the riots, a brief glimpse through all the 'skunk' being smoked by the rioters.
  • Parental responsibility for the actions of your children up until the age of 16, if they cause problems/nuisance/damage the end responsibility lies with you if they are residing with you the fuck starts there, the buck stops there, end of!
  • If you own or drive an uninsured (not untaxed, that's just another Government fucking stealth-tax) vehicle and are caught driving it. The vehicle will be crushed with you in it!

Above - JD Sports still smouldering, the building to the right is the dole office, a much needed facility for the 'Yoof'.
  • Criminals should be made to work whilst in chokey and not poncing up their website or petitioning the House of Fucking Lords (if your cell-mate happens to be Geoffrey Archer you can just ask him). Anal sex in prison to be compulsory.

Above, youths on BMX's survey the nights damage.
  • In the event of a prosecution ALL Police to take a lie-detector test in order to corroborate their evidence.
  • Illegal immigrants who cannot provide evidence of who they are, where the originate from and why the fuck they have travelled thousands of miles through countries that are perfectly safe have bothered to come here at all.
  • No benefits or support, housing, interpreters etc for any of they above, that should answer the last part of the proposal.
  • No more minarets - the existing ones to be pulled down, they are a symbol of religious conquest. Also no state funding for religious schools of any sort, but particularly the Muslim ones, sorry but they are not part of the problem they are the problem.

Above, a young male with his bitches protecting their pile of stolen bricks.
  • All foreign criminals to serve their sentence in their country of origin and not be allowed back into Britain.

Above, even 'Boris-Blimps' failed to deter the rioters.
  • Curfews to be initiated whenever required anybody out without good reason gets a warning and then shot on sight.
  • All taxis to be subject to random checks for illegal operating and contraband using sniffer dogs anybody found contravening this to have vehicle confiscated and deported to country of origin. It does'nt matter whether they were born here, their crime means they have worn out the welcome mat and outstayed their welcome. Don't worry, they will have relatives elsewhere, their kids 'say' they are visiting them often enough whilst they are actually undergoing terrorist indoctrination.
  • Burkas to be made illegal in a public place except for ugly women.
  • Fat slags with a high Body Mass Index to be exported to Scotland where they will blend in with the local populace, no problem.
  • Paedophiles to be re-located to Wales, hands tied to feet and tethered in a field to take the pressure off the sheep.
  • Crooked MP's to be publicly fucked in Sainsburys.

Above, stolen Police car and a hole in the road, 3 Policemen are looking into it.
  • Metal thieves to be shipped out to China, in the containers that would have contained the metal and then upon arrival there organs removed for sale on Ebay.
  • Pikeys setting up illegal camps on private land in the Green Belt over a Bank Holiday weekend should be bombed by the RAF and their children taken off of them and sent to University.
  • Gays should not be given all the best jobs in Local Government or the Police or the Navy. The mines should be re-opened and that is where they should work, they can either dig coal or fuck one another down there, either way i don't give a flying fuck.
That's all i can think of for the moment, i've come over all tired and need to lie down in a darkend room......................

Above - 'Harriet', a goat, generously donated by destitute Somali villagers to the people of Tottenham.


Unreleased stills and video footage of military participation in quelling 'hotspots' has been made available to StourbridgeRantBoy. Despite calls of 'send in the Army' - they were in fact already there but such was the ferocity of the fighting that the Police set up a 'cordon sanitaire' and did not allow any public or media access.

Earlier reports of a Chinook carrying Navy Seals being shot down in Afghanistan did, in fact, refer to a Blackhawk helicopter being hit by an RPG fired from the Broadwater Farm Estate, a known hotbed of anti-government miscreants.

Below - Blackhawk, being stripped of it's copper cabling within minutes of being hit.

Below - Troops at the scene of the downed chopper with smoke from the 'Farm' in the background.

CONTROL OF LOOTERS - and accusations of SHOOT ON SIGHT.....

Above - beleaguered troops attempt to regain control of Haringey Boroughs' Council Rent Office on the estate - note dead chav in the foreground.

Below - an operative from Haringeys' own dedicated SWAT team summarily executes a looter emerging from JD Sports.

Above - a known CHAV ringleader is despatched along with his beloved Staffordshire Bull Terrier.


SWAT - Special Weapons And Tactics.

CHAV - Council Housed And Violent.

Above - dramatic night-time, time-lapse, photograph of a 'Spectre' gunship circling above the Broadwater Farm Estate suppressing fire with its' awesome weapons system of 7.62mm and 25mm cannon.
Above - recently obtained footage of an airstrike in a declared 'Free Fire Zone' designated by Haringey Distric Council in Operation 'Teach The Thieving Fuckers A Lesson'.Link
AND FINALLY............

Draco the 'Lawmaker' says..........

'Behave yourself and fuck off 'ome or i'll come round and break all your toys!'